Sunday, September 26, 2010

Forever Upon a Time

We all see it. We see the age grow slowly in our loved ones face, destroying their body and collapsing their wit. We've seen paint peel, shells turn to sand, hell we even invented the watch. And it's always been assumed that time only goes in one direction. But imagine existence without time, or without space. Send your mind with me up and out of the three dimensions we relate to. In fact, before we do that, let's discuss the Flat Man.

The Flat Man is an idea that a 2 dimensional man would live in a likewise 2 dimensional world. Imagine this as a long strip of paper, with no real thickness. Just a length, and a width. Place the Flatman upon this strip of paper, if you will. Now, hypothetically, to introduce a flatman to a third dimension, you would twist the stirp and connect the ends. Making whats referred to as a Mobius Strip, depicted on the left. The flat man travels along his world, from one side of the paper... To the other... And then back to his original starting point. He only ever went straight ahead, but because he could not see how the third dimension twisted and writhed, he ended up doing a full circle. Now, imagine the flatman is in fact, a round man. You just discovered time. 

Awhile ago, astronomers discovered something that made us all look a little smaller. Hell, it made us rethink the word insignificant. If you look up right now, you'll probably see stars. If not, move out of Croatia ( :D You're my favorite fan, fyi) and find a timezone thats dark. Those stars up there, 99 percent of them are galaxys, not suns or solar systems. those dots... Contain hundreds, up to trillions of stars each. Fuck you christianity. To truly appreciate the depth behind this, I want you to look at the difference between a smalltime local street musician spending time with his fans, and then go see Metallica and ask for a signature during one of their suspiciously similar songs. Any of them will do.

Time, in past theories, has been a series of cards stacked together, with a blueprint of the universe on each one. When you flip through them, you get time. We believe currently that gravity wells change how fast time flows... To understand this modern theory. Find a tarp(not a typo), and stretch it out tight. Now throw a basketball in the center, and watch it sink.  If you can imagine doing that on a 3-d blanket, you'd get the idea. Well, there's nothing saying that's true, it's accepted.The fact is, we aren't even sure if the expanding universe model is even close to right. Its simply well ahead of us. but heres something to ponder.

The universe is moving all at once, to assume a chain of events in the theory of 'timeslices', one after another, it would assume there was a set state of the universe at any given point. 'Timeflow' is a theory where the folds of time are more like a wave format, twisting and curling about itself. Where rather than the past creating the future, the present shapes the future, and records the past. Interesting... Let's go deeper.

Follow me on a journey, briefly, to a place where time is one object, and our universe is contained therin. In all its glory, from birth to decay, a pulsating, swirling mass of energy. It begins, it pulses up, and dies away. Now we jump to the fifth dimension... I need you to stick with me here. Let your minds free, it may get tricky. I suggest Master Kush. The fifth dimension is a place populated by these self contained universe cycles, in the form of hypothetical time bubbles. What that looks like... Hell if I know. But you've seen the Neverending Story, right? Your universe, is the book. And it will look like those fucking memory balls from the second one. Just roll with it. These pulsing puffs of light form something else, ever moving in its own unique way to form... Whatever. I'm a firm believer in the illusion of free will, and the existence of cause and effect. If you get good enough at any sport, social structure, business or the like, you'll find yourself thinking well ahead of the actual events that are playing out. Its all probability, but it serves the purpose here. I typed this out because of decisions I made in my life, leading up to this. Keeping in mind, that everything we do can be thought of as happening at once. We're the self-aware probes of the universe, growing up from the bits of elements that we're composed of. The trillions of lifeforms that work together in our body to push our probe(snicker) into the future, and give the universe self awareness. (Very deep, I know) This universe, which is just one bit of information in a larger construct of time, within the fifth. The sixth, is as you can imagine.

Now we reverse completely, stop looking at the bigger, and start looking at the tiniest details. Look at a cell, and the colony that thrives within that. Look at the cell itself, and the tiny bits that make it up. Look at the atoms, and the quarks within that. Watch your detail get fuzzier and fuzzier, and more and more alike as you look at smaller scales. Now quick, 1665, you meet a man named Robert Hooke who tells you that everything is made of cells, tiny particles that make up living matter... Well, he tells you about cork's cells.  You hit up the hip age of 1830, there at a a frock and gown party you meet Franz Meyen, who informs you that each cell forms an independant, isolated whole that it nourishes and builds up. Something from Parasite Eve reminds you that Mytochondria migrated into our cells, and weren't orignally part of cellular life's structure until it needed the powerhouse energy makers. you get all of this, and then atomic physics hit. Oh, those metropolises of birth and death are made up of tiny particles too.

Before it wears off, zoom out of your mental telescope as fast as you can, from the sixth dimension and back... Go past time bubbles, galaxies that make a trillion stars look like a chump,. Past blackholes and asteroid seas, slamming through the mist that hands around our solar system, stopping our broadcasts from ever leaving our little sphere of Sol's gravity well. Blast past the planets and through ozone, hit the roof of your house and slam into your chair. But this time dont stop at our level, let your mind shoot back and absorb life on all scales, as one entity pulsing and forming itself. Folding in on itself, the tiny particle inside of you holding countless universes, all working together to push your body 'forward'. Think about that...

Welcome to my world. Welcome to insanity.


  1. Wow... This world is just an illusion, were trapped between the truth, and everything thats binding us to this world, who knows what can happen at any second of the day, we may just wake up to a blinding light..

  2. Think about this... We are all made of the same source. We are no less seperate from the universe, than our organs are from our bodies.


  3. That was some deep shit man. You sure can write

  4. wow thats some crazy stuff had to read it a couple of times to fully comprehend it all
    nice post man looking forward to more as usual

  5. very complex to understand, I've gotta admit, but extremely interesting to read none-the-less.
    have you written anything on the 4th dimension?

  6. This Flat Man's name, would it happen to be Mobius? :)
    "...everything we do can be thought of as happening at once."
    I don't like to think that way at all! Sometimes those statements make it hard to put one foot in front of the other.
    Thanks for the mindf*ck.

  7. Is it, syvan? Or does it just make your brain HARD.

    Life's a mystery, Platypuses doubly so.

  8. I actually saw a video a while back that discusses a bit of what you wrote about, concerning two dimensions, and moving on to time. It actually goes all the way to imagining the tenth dimension. It's a really interesting watch if you've got the time.

  9. Oh for sure, limited blog space for readability ;) From everyhting I've read, the tenth or eleventh dimension is just an extension of the logic behind the 4th. But more and more vague, it's more like the 10 levels of Vagueness, a scale on which to judge all things vague. Until you get to 'Everything' as they put it, lol.


  10. Whoa whoa...there are 10 levels of vagueness?
    Brb, gotta go check Google.

  11. There are a number of vagueness levels, Rorschach.
    In fact, some would say, perhaps, that there are different levels of vagueness. Or.. There's vagueness. That last one I'm pretty sure is true.


  12. Wow, that's very Inception of you. I like it, but unfortunately don't have the time right now to wade through all of it. I'll be back though, don't you worry. :)

  13. Inception... I don't know whether to thank you, or block you :p Seriously though, haven't seen it, I was told it had some dream within a dream elements.

    -JKane, better than Inception.

  14. I love your "about me" Janus, it reminds me kind of the past i've never lived, when times were different, what they were we may never know, but maybe humankind was more free, not imprisoned by the system we know today

  15. We were raised by a generation of system born parents, even if its a working system. We must never forget that we are human, and humans have no master except their own limitations.

    And even then...

  16. Every single post. Same thing. Fascinating stuff but then by the time you realize that everything is going crazy it's too late.

    I guess that's what insanity is like, by the time you notice something you're too far in.

  17. Janus, excellent post man! Seriously good read, I made my first post about halloween goodies and I know your into the holiday so I hope you enjoy it!


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